last revised 6/15/2018

campus contacts

No information available.


institutional websites

  • Contains links to outside resources only


student initiatives

No information available.


institutional Policies

IMPORTANT—Although the following does not state explicitly that University of Baltimore will follow these guidelines, its inclusion on the official website suggests the school probably will.

[Per USM guidelines,] USM institutions may choose not to engage in the following activities:

permit immigration enforcement authorities to enter a campus for an enforcement action without a warrant unless there is an exigent circumstance (national security or terrorism matter, risk of death or physical harm, etc.) necessitating immediate action;

voluntarily partner with immigration enforcement authorities to assist with enforcement activities;

detain an immigrant at the request of immigration enforcement authorities;

request and/or share immigration information obtained in connection with a campus arrest;

provide immigration enforcement authorities with student records without a lawfully issued subpoena or court order.
— Source:; Accessed: 6/15/2018

financial support

No information available.


legal support

No information available.